Alright heres some pictures from the Senior show opening night. I've got around forty pictures of the individual pieces I'm working on reducing for efficient internet tube travel. I fabricated the entire thing with the exception of the dome part of the helmet. I outsourced that to this guy I found on the internet who sent me the halves separately and I welded them together and stuck the horn holdy parts and face piece on. Everything else was cold formed using a hammer, some anvil stakes, and a chisel. Theres also about eighty-four separate myths or mythological figures represented on the armor itself. I painted it all using some black spray paint with a hammered metal effect and once that was all dry I drew the images on using gold and silver paint pens from Home Depot. The awesome chair I'm sitting in I borrowed from an antique store. If you have any questions about anything email me at
Oh, and I'm definitely open to selling this stuff. If you're interested email me, I'm willing to discuss any reasonable offers. I got loans bitches.
Heres the animation that was playing behind me, compressed for the tubez.
I did the animation by animating each scene in Flash, exporting them each as an .avi and syncing them up in After Effects. I'm working on actually recording at least the mandolin part, and possibly the bass if I can get my hands on one. There will also be a slightly longer version of it soon, I had to kind of cut the animation short because I ran out of time.